
Professional Experience

  1. Frontend Software Engineer, Trustana

    Dec 2022 - Present


    Responsible for the architect and implementation of multiple core features, API interfaces, leveraging on various design patterns and web rendering patterns. Led development efforts in building a web analytics pipeline using Segment and device fingerprinting.

  2. Software Engineering Intern, Trustana

    May 2022 - Nov 2022


    Developed several major features for a B2B e-commerce SaaS product using Remix, GraphQL and Typescript. Redesigned and implemented web analytics tracking architecture which improved capture metrics and data quality.

  3. Embedded Software Engineering Intern (Remote), Aerofoils GmbH

    Jan 2021 - Jul 2021

    Munich, Germany

    Led development efforts in areas such as shared components, navigation framework and interactivity mechanisms for a GUI for an e-hydrofoil surfboard remote controller based on ESP32 running FreeRTOS using C and the LVGL library in ESP-IDF.

  4. Software Engineering Intern, B1G1 Pte. Ltd

    May 2020 - Jul 2020


    Integrated Mixpanel, Google Analytics, Segment and ActiveCampaign into company’s website and generated custom user behavior reports for internal stakeholders.

Notable Projects

  1. Recyclables

    Co-founder and developer of Recyclables, a social initiative that enables residents to hail for a rag and bone man via a Telegram Bot, providing increased recycling convenience. Collected over 4.2 tons of recyclables with over 780 registered users within 1.5 years of operation all under an annual operating cost of $50.

  2. B1G1 Giving Impact Map

    Designed and developed an interactive map with React.js,, Aloglia search and internal APIs to provide giving impact data visualization for stakeholders.


  1. National University of Singapore

    1. Aug 2019 - Dec 2022
    2. B. Eng, Mechanical Engineering
    3. Second Upper Honours - GPA: 4.42 / 5.0
  2. Technical University of Munich, TUM

    1. Jan 2020 - Jul 2020
    2. Part of the prestigious NUS Overseas College (NOC) entrepreneurship program



  • Citi HackOverflow 2022 (Participation)
  • Singapore Airlines (SIA) AppChallenge 2022 (Participation)


  • Shopee Ultra-Hackathon (Participation)
  • NUS NES Ground Zero 2021 (Participation)


  • Singapore Airlines (SIA) AppChallenge 2020 (2nd Place)
  • NUS NES Ground Zero 2020 (Participation)